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Submission Info.


Organized Sessions


Proposal for Organized Sessions Submission Deadline: July 1, 2016 July 8,2016 (extended)
Notification of Acceptance for Organized Sessions: July 7, 2016 July 11,2016 (extended)
Full Paper Submission Deadline: July 29, 2016 Aug 5,2016 Aug 12,2016 (extended again)
Notification of Acceptance: September 23, 2016
Camera-Ready Deadline: October 21, 2016


We are inviting proposals for organized sessions relevant to the themes of IEEE/SICE SII 2016.

Organized sessions are specialized events to be held during the conference as a set of oral presentations that are highly specialized in some particular theme. The purpose of organized sessions is to provide a focused discussion on innovative topics. The accepted papers for organized sessions will be published on IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

Please submit a pdf to the PaperPlaza System including the following:

  1. Proposed title of the organized session
  2. Motivation and goals of the session (a brief 2-3 paragraph summary)
  3. A list of possible papers with contributing authors and tentative titles and abstracts
  4. List of organizers (including short bio)

Selected organized sessions will be advertised, meaning that everyone is welcome to submit to it, in addition to the authors identified in the proposals.

The minimum number of papers per organize session is "4." So each session must include at least 4 oral presentations and it is recommended to make a number of oral presentations by the multiple of 4.

Organized sessions' proposals and papers will be submitted via the main conference's submission system following the same guidelines as the regular papers, will be peer-reviewed and will appear in the conference proceedings. If accepted, the organizers of the organize session will be responsible for the high-quality peer-review of the submitted papers according to IEEE standards (2 anonymous peer-reviews). The organizers will be Associate Editors (AE) for the proposed session. They are also responsible to assign reviewers and make judgment proposals of the submitted paper for the organized session.

The proposal must be submitted via the Papercept submission site.

If you have any questions about the organized sessions proposal submission, please contact SII2016os(at)

Paper Length and Size

Page limit:

For the first submission, a manuscript can be 6-8 pages.

For the final submission, a manuscript should be 6 pages, with 2 additional pages allowed but at an extra charge.

Paper size:

US Letter

File format:

A single PDF. Please limit the size of the PDF file to be 6 MB.